Senin, 17 Januari 2011


Sejak awal denger lagu ini dah suka banget, bukan hanya karena musiknya yg energik dan bikin semangat tapi menyimak lyricsnya emang keren abisss, dan hanya yg ber mental JUARA aja yg bakalan termotivasi, COZ U are ALREADY THE CHAMPION, SO MAKE it HAPPENED!!

Judul : Stand Up For the Champion
by : Right Said Fried

(stand up)
(stand up)
(stand up)
(stand up)
(stand up)
(stand up)

I was built to be the best
Number one and nothing less.
Leave me to my destiny
I have waited patiently

I have visions, ohh I believe
I know I can count on me

So Stand up, for the champions
For the champions, stand up

Stand Up, stand up
for the champions For the champions

Stand up (stand up)
for the champions for the champions, stand up

Stand (stand up)
stand up (stand up)
for the champions for the champions stand up

Here we go , its getting close
now its just why wants it most

its just like thats how it is
cause we have our strenghts and weaknesses

Ohh I have visions ohh can't you see
I'm on the move, make way for me

Back to reff

And when I fall down
I have to pick my self back up 2x
Hanya yg bermental JUARA yang akan BERJALAN LURUS tak belok belok
Hanya yg bermental JUARA yg mengganggap cobaan itu tidak menghentikan langkahnya.
Hanya yg bermnetal JUARA yg akan berdiri lagi ketika dia terjatuh.
Hanya yg bermental JUARA yg berani berMIMPI BESAR dan berani berjuang untuk MIMPI nya karena kekuatan dan kelemahannya justru akan menjadi modal meraih mimpinya.

Jadi, BERDIRI lah SANG JUARA, Raih Mimpimu setinggi asa.!!


*to Abi nya anak2, maap y say poto champion nya schumi, soale ngefans sih hihihihi :P

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